Shannara Timeline

The following is a timeline outlining all the main events that have taken place in the world of Shannara. The first half contains real years and concerns the events of the Word/Void books, while the second half is dated by years after the apocalypse that shaped the world into the Four Lands. Year 0 is when this apocalypse takes place (this is an assumption of mine - read the next paragraph for more info on this).

A note concerning the placement of the Word/Void books and Armageddon's Children (the timeline itself does not contain spoilers, but this next paragraph will, so skip it if you haven't read AC) - we learned in AC Nest's birthday, which enables us to date her encounters with John Ross. We also know that AC takes place eighty years after Angel Fire East, so we can date that as well. However, there is a hazy area - the world has been falling apart for thirty years prior to AC, which is when the Great Wars began. Do we assume Galaphile formed the First Druid Council a thousand years after the beginning of the Great Wars, or a thousand years after the events that take place in the trilogy containing AC? Here, I will assume it is the latter, as the world has yet to reshape into the Four Lands, and that the true armageddon has yet to come.

A note concerning the Second Druid Council - The World of Shannara places it at roughly sixty years after the Second War of the Races and says that it was led by Allanon. However, I do not regard World to be canon, so this date may be inaccurate. I have heard that the Second Druid Council was actually formed before the events of First King, but since I have been unable to verify this for myself yet, I'm putting down what World says.

7/1997 A.D.The events of Running with the Demon take place.
10/2002 A.D.The events of A Knight of the Word take place.
12/2012 A.D.The events of Angel Fire East take place.
2062 A.D.The Great Wars begin.
Fall 2092 A.D./0The events of The Genesis of Shannara and the final apocalypse take place.
1000The first Druid Council, led by Galaphile, is established.
1150The First War of the Races takes place.
1500The Second War of the Races and the events of First King of Shannara take place.
1560The second Druid Council, led by Allanon, is established. However, this council does not last for long.
2000The War of the Warlock Lord (or the aborted Third War of the Races) and the events of The Sword of Shannara take place.
2050The War of the Forbidding and the events of The Elfstones of Shannara take place.
2070The events of The Wishsong of Shannara take place. The Ildatch is destroyed.
2170Everything south of Callahorn becomes Federation-goverened. The monarchy of Leah is overthrown. Rumors of the Shadowen begin to surface.
2270The Sword of Shannara and the Elves disappear. The Federation declares war on the Dwarves, wins, and enslaves them. Southwatch is built.
2370The War of the Shadowen and the events of The Heritage of Shannara take place.
2470Kael Elessedil leaves for Castledown. The Federation-Free-Born War begins.
2500The events of The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara take place.
2520The Third Druid Council, led by Grianne Ohmsford, is established. The events of High Druid of Shannara take place. The Federation-Free-Born War finally ends.

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